
21 Day Keto Challenge

Are you ready to Eat Fat to Lose Fat?

21 Day Keto Challenge

You've tried Weight Watchers, Counted Points, Bought the Special Foods and Still Can't Seem to Shake the Extra Weight

It's not you, it's the program.

How many times have you stepped on the scale to have it say you gained a pound overnight.  Maybe that pound was two or five.  Saving points to eat a Snickers bar at the end of the day and still feeling unsatisfied and unhappy with yourself.  Unable to bend down and tie your shoes.  

What if you could feel good in your skin again?  What if you could LOVE your body again?  What if the scale lied?


Look and feel better within just 7 days of your time.

Imagine waking up feeling refreshed and energized, ready to start the day.  You slept amazing!  Sleep like the dead sleep.  You reach down to tie your shoes for the day and to your surprise, there's no knee pain anymore.  Bye Inflammation!  Your coworkers can't believe how focused and mentally present you are.  Jane notices you've dropped a few pounds.  She's green with envy as she watches you eat a steak, eggs and avocado for lunch.  Her greens salad with balsamic is lackluster.  You end your day playing with your kids and actually being able to keep up with them.  You Feel AWESOME!

Here are just a few topics you will be learning throughout the program:


  • The BIG, FAT LIE (why fat is NOT the enemy)
  • Benefits of Being Keto-Adapted
  • What is Nutritional Ketosis?
  • Energy from Fat vs. Energy from Sugar
  • How to Personalize Your Plan & Calculate Your Macros
  • Avoiding the Keto-Flu
  • Intermittent Fasting
  • Cyclical Ketosis
  • Testing Your Ketone Levels
  • And So Much More...


The 21 Day Keto Challenge Includes:

16 Page Keto Success Manual

Complete 21-Day Keto Recipe Manual

21-Days of Dietician-Approved Meal Guides

3 Weeks of Printable Grocery Lists

21 Daily Motivational & Inspiration Emails

Complete Macro Breakdown

Complete Checklist for Success

Transitioning Out of Keto Guide

Measurement Worksheet

Goal Setting Worksheet

Here's what you get when you join: 

Daily Accountability, Awesome Recipes, a Tribe that speaks YOUR Language

You can have incredible results with Keto.  It's just a matter of understanding the lifestyle changes it requires plus having recipes that make you jump for joy and excitement. 

I know because I don't want a boring love affair with my kitchen and as a Health & Keto Coach, it's important for me to be completely immersed in my recipes and ingredients. 

Benefit 1

Weight Loss

Benefit 2

Mental Clarity - No More Brain Fog

Benefit 3

Endless Energy

Don't Blame the Butter, for what the Bread Did!

"I've lost 43 lbs since June 5th doing Intermittent Fasting and Keto. The easiest thing I've done...AND, it's sustainable!"

TEDY S., Colorado Springs


Start feeling confident about the choices you make for you and your body.  Nourish your physical and start giving some love back to your body - You are a Maserati baby, it's time to treat yourself like one!

Keto with Katee, Keto Coach Katee, Katee Keto

Hi! I'm Katee Driscoll

Your Certified Keto & Health Coach 

Oh hi!  I'm Katee, the owner of Spread the Health.  I'm a Fat Eating, LuluLemon loving fanatic and Black Coffee-aholic.  Wife to my Kick-Ass Hubby and Mom to two big dogs that keep on trucking (and shedding, seriously!).  It's wicked awesome!

I specialize in helping women balance out their hormones to lose weight, get some much needed sleep, detox and heal their gut, so that they can feel fantastic in their own skin!

This program is for you if:

  • You are Sick and Tired of being Sick and Tired. 
  • You are Looking for some guidance and accountability for follow through. 
  • You are Ready to make ALL your friends jealous with your Rockstar Body!

This program is NOT for you if:

  • You are Not willing to make some changes and friends. 
  • You are Looking for a "Magic Pill" 
  • You are Wanting to stay on the Weight Loss Rollercoaster.


Weight Gain, Autoimmune Issues, Gut Issues, Hair Loss, Bad Skin 

Have questions? Here are our FAQ

I've heard Keto is eating a lot of bacon
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That's False...  This isn't the Ground Beef and Butter Diet.  You'll learn how to eat delicious Keto Foods that nourish your body and mind.

My friends think Keto is dangerous and I'm going to die
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Ketogenesis isn't dangerous.  Keto-acidosis is dangerous.  There is a HUGE difference.  Assure them you are working with a Certified Keto-Adapted Coach.

How is this Different from every other Keto Program available?
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Most Keto Coaching Online Programs are a PDF Handout that has you struggling to understand the basics.  With this program you receive daily contact from your coach via email and facebook.  We want you to be successful and reach your goals!

I'm currently eating Keto but want to join. Can I?
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Of course!  We go through 21-Days of information.  Plus, you'll have access to the Tribe who speak 'Keto'.

I have questions, can I schedule a phonecall with you
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Absolutely!  Limited FREE 15 minute phone consults are available.  Please schedule by Clicking Here!

"It's working for me!💯 Down 2lbs in 2 days!😍"

JENN W., Colorado Springs


Start feeling confident about the choices you make for you and your body.  Nourish your physical and start giving some love back to your body - You are a Diamond baby, it's time to shine like one!