No Gimmicks or False Promises, Just a Real Food Eating Plan, Efficient Workouts and the Results You Deserve
Tired of just feeling like 'blah'?
Life happens. I get it.
Maybe you can relate to this.
This past weekend you decided to do something about feeling like 'blah'. You were just sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. You were tired of feeling sickly, unhealthy, and tired of feeling like your carrying around a bit more than you are comfortable with.
So, you decided that THIS WEEK you were going to do something about it. I mean you used to be healthy, fit and trim so surely you can get right back there. Easy?
You hit the gym, go on a crash diet of yogurt, some almonds, maybe a few of those hundred calorie snack packs only to find that your body isn't dropping the fluff like it used to a few years ago... frustrating!
After a week of living off rabbit food spending endless hours on the elliptical and not seeing any results, you end up yelling at yourself naked then going on a bender of ice cream and french toast and rationalizing to yourself that dropping a few pounds and being 'healthy' is just too hard and a waste of time anyways. Besides if you were healthy you couldn't eat the chips and salsa and the pizza that you love... and that would just suck.
I mean having a lean stomach isn't THAT important to you, have you ever tried stuffed crust pizza? (Rationalizing a bit hard here aren't we.)
I'm here to tell you that it's NOT your fault.
This happens to EVERYONE that is getting older. I don't mean older as getting your AARP card, but older as in you don't have as much free time anymore like you did in your 20's. You have kids, a mortgage, a boss, responsibilities and you have put yourself on the back burner during that time. You went from alcohol hangovers to FOOD hangovers... now it's almost hanging over your pants.
You remember how to workout, but things just don't feel the same anymore. Things are tighter, joints creak a bit more, you have a few older injuries and maybe your metabolism is slow.
Your body is different than what it was a few years ago and you're ready to make a change but just not sure where to start.
You wish that you could just have a plan of what to do, because if you have a plan you're going to do it! Plus... just having someone tell you what you can and can't eat so you can stop playing the "what food can I not eat today" guessing game.
If you can relate to ANY of that, I may have a solution for you...
When it comes to results, we've got the perfect formula for you to look and feel your best without boring cardio or over-restrictive diets.
I keep the nutrition simple. No overpriced shakes or impossible to follow meal plans with exotic ingredients, just real delicious food.
Don’t worry I'll give you tons of ideas for food.

Hi! I'm Katee Driscoll
Your Certified Health & Keto Coach
Oh hi! I'm Katee, the owner of Spread the Health. I'm a Fat Eating, LuluLemon loving fanatic and Black Coffee-aholic. Wife to my Kick-Ass Hubby and Mom to two big dogs that keep on trucking (and shedding, seriously!). It's wicked awesome!
I specialize in helping women balance out their hormones to lose weight, get some much needed sleep, detox and heal their gut, so that they can feel fantastic in their own skin!
This program is for you if:
- You are Sick and Tired of being Sick and Tired.
- You are Looking for some guidance and accountability for follow through.
- You are Ready to make ALL your friends jealous with your Rockstar Body!
This program is NOT for you if:
- You are Not willing to make some changes and friends.
- You are Looking for a "Magic Pill"
- You are Wanting to stay on the Weight Loss Rollercoaster.
Weight Gain, Finding a Program You Can Stick With, Accountability?
Have questions? Here are our FAQ
Anyone can participate in this program. The program can be modified to your specific needs based on ability and needs.
I teach you how to each real food. I will help you kick the junk and craft easy, delicious recipes the whole family will enjoy. I lay out exactly how to eat.